Terms and conditions

Latest issue (30 January 2023)


We cherish your visit to our NAWA website.

Through our website, we offer a variety of services and systems, and we allow the request of our services through our website NAWA and the beneficiaries of its services, with the provision of an electronic payment method, and complete policies to organize the sales process. We present these terms and conditions to govern and regulate the legal relations between our platform and the beneficiaries of its services, so please read these terms with mandatory care before requesting services.

In applying the provisions of this Agreement, and wherever mentioned therein, the following words and expressions shall have the meaning indicated opposite each of them:

“Agreement” refers to the contract that binds the platform to its subscribers, which includes the terms and conditions document and the privacy policy document.
“NAWA”, “platform”, “systems”, “company”, “we” or “us” refers to NAWA in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It also refers to the services and systems offered by the organization for sale, which are provided in accordance with the specifications and requirements set by us.
“Customer” or “Subscriber” refers to the individuals, institutions and companies that submit requests to purchase the services and systems provided by the site in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement.
“Contract” refers to the contract that is signed in writing or through our website on the one hand and the customer on the other hand, or that is implicitly concluded in accordance with the terms and conditions by requesting the service on the part of the customer and the site implementing it, and in all cases the express contract is or implied binding on the customer.
“Third Parties” refers to all persons and entities that we do not have control over and are not subject to our supervision.
“Laws” refers to the applicable laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Payment and cancellation policy:
The official currency approved by the site shall be the one approved in determining the prices of packages and purchases through the site or our authorized representative.
The customer must view the prices of the packages before purchasing or submitting a purchase request through the website.
The customer is fully responsible for the payment process, and therefore we are not responsible for any errors in the payment process.
The customer must keep his payment information confidential.
The site allows the subscriber to request cancellation of the contract within 7 days from the date of payment, in which case the institution will refund the money paid by the customer within 14 days with the same method of payment.

Subscription terms:
It is required that the beneficiary of our services be registered in his correct commercial or personal name, and that he refrain from using any unknown, untrue or misleading names. By registering as an organization, you acknowledge that you are the legal representative of that organization. Whoever requests prices or buys from the site is obligated to be legally authorized to do so, and we will make sure that the data is correct.
The establishment must provide us with the establishment data, which may include but not be limited to (name, commercial register, national identity card, address, e-mail, mobile number, tax number).
The customer must register his data with NAWA with his mobile number and email, in order to be able to receive any notifications sent to him by NAWA.
The customer must keep his username and password in the accounting and human resources program, and not disclose them to others, and in all cases the customer is committed to all invoices or transactions that take place through his account with us.

Electronic contract:
This document is an electronic contract between the site and the customer and any other user, and this contract is a substitute for any written, printed or electronic contracts required to be signed between the two parties, and this document is the legally approved before all courts and government agencies in the event of a dispute about any product or service related to the site NAWA.

the legal age:
The use of the NAWA website requires that the user be 18 years of age or older. If the user is less than that, his use must be under the supervision of his parents or legal guardian. The site will not be legally obligated to verify the legal age of the user.

Official documents:
The subscriber shall be legally responsible in front of all government agencies for publishing any data, private documents, or personal numbers of employees of the institution whose purpose was to provide the subscriber with ease of access to us and speedy completion of the service.
Legal notices:
The subscriber agrees to receive all notices and notifications from the management of the site electronically, and according to this agreement, he waives receiving any written or official notices that are required under the applicable laws, and acknowledges that the notifications that are sent by the site electronically via the approved mobile number or e-mail shall be considered. legally in the relationship between the two parties.
terms of use:
These terms and conditions have been drafted in accordance with Saudi laws. Products and services are provided through the site in accordance with the laws in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and therefore you are bound by these laws regardless of the country to which you belong.
The user must be legally eligible to enter into this Agreement with us, and be 18 years of age or older at the time of using our site.
Any information required on the site or its official channels must be entered correctly and you are responsible for it and for its accuracy, quality, modernity and legality, and you are committed to updating it whenever any change occurs to it.
The site must be used legally, and this use must be serious, and users should refrain from using the site for the purposes of fraud, fraud, illegal communication, fictitious communication, or harm to any of the parties, and it is prohibited to undertake any actions that would expose the site to legal accountability.
The customer must notify us if any illegal practices or activities are discovered in his account with us.
Our client must maintain the reputation of the website and not harm us directly or indirectly, and not cause us direct or indirect damages, and not cause us any legal claims.

The ratings and comments provided by the customer through e-mail or WhatsApp are honest and legal and do not include any infringement on the site, companies or other parties.
NAWA reserves the right to make any amendments or changes to its electronic services, policies and agreements, including terms and conditions.
The site reserves all its legal rights in the event that any of the participants in the accounting program, human resources, or marketing program violates our legal and legitimate rights or our rights stipulated in this agreement.
Content policy:
Text, graphics, photographs, logos, illustrations, explanations, data and other materials provided by us may contain errors, omissions, typographical errors or be out of date, and we may change, delete or update any content at any time without prior notice.
The data available through our website may include some unintentional errors, and therefore you absolve us from any liability arising from that, and you also undertake to contact us to inquire and request the correction of any errors in the data.
The user is legally responsible for any content, data, information, files, documents, documents or messages that he provides, sends or exchanges through us.
The user shall be responsible before all parties, authorities, courts, and investigation authorities for any penalties or compensation related to any illegal error that he performs through his accounting program.

Client terms:
The customer must be legally qualified to submit a request to purchase the packages through us, and the customer acknowledges that he works officially in accordance with the applicable laws, and that he has obtained all licenses from the municipality, ministries, and competent authorities, and he also acknowledges that the license and the commercial register are valid throughout the period of using the accounting program.
The customer must review the specifications of the packages advertised on the site before submitting the purchase order.
The customer must follow all the provisions stipulated in this agreement, as well as comply with the laws in force.
The customer is obligated to request and use the system or services for legal purposes, and bears responsibility in the event of any illegal use of the services that he requests to purchase through us.
The customer participating with us in managing his account on social media acknowledges that we do not interfere in any way in providing services and products to his customers within his store, and we disclaim all responsibility for that.
NAWA warrants that it has all legal rights and authority to sell products and services.
Our site guarantees to subscribers not to publish any false or misleading information about its products, and to display products with commercial legitimacy.
Our website acknowledges the validity and accuracy of all prices that are available through us, and orders are executed at the prices specified at the time of payment, and no change in prices on paid orders will be considered unless the customer requests an increase in services or an upgrade of packages.
The site undertakes to preserve the customer’s contact information and not to use it in a way that violates the privacy policy.
Subscription system: You know and agree that your use of the accounting software and human resources software is by the “subscription” system and not by the sale system, as the program remains owned by the institution, and it is the only one that has the right to sell it or allow others to use it.
Purposes of Subscription: Subscription includes the use of the Software only for the purposes for which it was designed.
Number of accounts: Subscription using the accounting program is limited to giving the customer a main account for each commercial registry with an unlimited number of sub-accounts for the same branch, unless there is a written agreement between the two parties specifying the number of accounts that are supposed to be provided for one package.
Subscription Duration: You have the right to use the program for a specific period, which is the duration of the package in the subscription contract.
Backup copy: You have the right to request your cloud copy if you do not renew the service, and you are not entitled to request a copy upon cancellation within 7 days from the time of subscription, and in the event that the accounting program is damaged due to indirect or unintentional errors, the institution provides the customer with the update file again and for free
Subscription Termination: Subscriptions expire with the specified period, or with the user’s non-compliance with this agreement, without prejudice to any of our rights or compensation arising from that breach.
The customer is not entitled to make updates to the program, modify or develop it in any way, and NAWA alone has the right to make updates and developments for the program.
technical support:
In the event that technical support is requested by the user, he must contact the organization’s mobile phone to determine the time for providing support, or through the technical support e-mail on the site.
The Foundation provides free technical support, training and updates during the subscription period.
Third parties:
Third parties may assist us in providing some of our services, and we disclaim our legal responsibility for any direct or indirect errors, intentional or unintentional, that occur from third parties after the customer signs with them directly.

Privacy and confidentiality:
The collection and processing of data is subject to the privacy policy approved by the site, which is an integral part of the terms and conditions.
The client is obligated to maintain the confidentiality of all his internal transactions, all financial reports, fees, employee data, and any data or documents that specific persons are authorized to view or not intended for the viewing of others.
We are committed not to collect or exploit any data of any other parties that use our services such as companies, institutions and individuals, and the use of data is limited to the purposes of providing services and providing support only.
We maintain the confidentiality of all data that you provide to us or related to your activities through our site, and it is viewed by our employees and third parties related to this data or who are expressly authorized by the user to use the data or by the nature of the transaction.
Intellectual property rights:
The website and all its tangible and intangible elements are owned by us, and it may not be imitated, copied or re-exploited in any way.

In any form, and all the contents of the site such as content, lists, texts, images, video, symbols, numbers, letters, icons, buttons, music, data, information subject to legal protection under the laws in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and international agreements, and the right We take legal action in case of abuse.
“NAWA” is a trademark and is used by us and may not be infringed, imitated, copied, illegally traded or used
On marks or services that are not affiliated with us, and in the event of an infringement on that mark, we have the right to take all legal measures that preserve all our commercial rights over it.
legal responsibility:
Each beneficiary of our services is personally responsible for all the actions and activities that he performs through us, and the site will not be jointly or consequentially responsible for any of the subscribers.
Each Subscriber is personally liable if he fails to comply with the obligations imposed on him under these Terms or the applicable policies.
Each user is personally responsible in the event that he violates the laws in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or in the country to which he belongs, and the site will not be jointly or consequentially responsible for any of the users.
The user bears legal responsibility in the event that he violates any of our rights under these terms and conditions or infringes any of our rights or ownership of the site or any of its elements.
The customer bears all legal responsibilities and compensations in the event of adopting fake purchase orders or misusing the site services in any way.
The client bears legal responsibility in the event of misuse of the systems he obtains through our website.
The user bears the legal responsibility in case of offending us on any site, application, social media, via e-mail, or through any other means.
The subscriber to our services is obligated to compensate us for all damages incurred by us as a result of any illegal or unauthorized use by the subscriber or any of his affiliates.
The user is obligated to compensate us in the event of offense to us, employees, partners, distributors, agents, affiliates, or any other person belonging to our organization.
We reserve all our legal rights arising from this agreement at any time, and failure to use that right at a particular time means waiving it at all other times.
Evacuation responsibilaty:
You agree to release the institution, its employees and affiliated persons from any liability for the subscriber’s inability to use it optimally, or for any stoppages, malfunctions or viruses infecting the application as a result of poor protection and for any loss of profits, revenues, sales, data, costs, cessation of commercial activity, or loss of any Information related to commercial activity or any direct or indirect damages, whatever their cause.
The subscriber disclaims our responsibility for all illegal activities that are not affiliated with us that may occur through those who market our products and services by deception.
In the event that the site is exposed to hacking or piracy, the user relieves us of any legal liability arising from the loss of data or accounts or any other damages to the subscriber as a result of these illegal actions.
This disclaimer of liability applies to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Communications and notices:
The site will communicate with you from time to time through the contact information you provided to us, and according to this agreement, you authorize us to communicate with you electronically or by telephone.
Any notices that the site wants to communicate to the beneficiaries are done through their contact data, and it is assumed that the user is aware of the notification as soon as the site sends it to him, and in the event that the customer wishes to send us notices, this must be done through our means of communication available on our official page.
Modifications and additions:
You know and agree that our services may be modified or updated continuously, and that our terms and conditions and privacy policy may be modified, updated or added to from time to time, and the site will not be obligated to notify any of its users, so you must review this agreement before any operation You do it through the site, and accordingly you acknowledge the right of the business zone site at any time and without prior notice and based on its sole discretion without others to review these terms and conditions or impose new terms and conditions related to our services or obtain them, and you bear the responsibility to review these terms and conditions in a manner periodically to review any modification to these terms and conditions, and any use of or access to NAWA products or services constitutes your acceptance of such revisions or additions.
The site has the right to cancel any of the services available through it, modify the site completely, change it, or change its activity. We also have the right to cancel or replace the terms and conditions and privacy policy at any time without requiring your consent.

the law:
The interpretation and implementation of the provisions of this document are subject to the regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and these conditions are not limited to the provisions contained therein, but rather extend to include all legal texts regulating civil and commercial relations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as long as they are complementary rules and do not conflict directly or indirectly with items contained in this document.
The Saudi judiciary is competent to adjudicate any dispute arising regarding the interpretation or implementation of any clause of this document, and in the event that any clause is excluded pursuant to a judicial ruling, this does not prejudice the validity of the other clauses and it remains valid and produces its legal effects unless the site cancels the agreement.
This document was drafted in the Arabic language, and in the event of its translation into another language, the Arabic text is applicable to all official and unofficial bodies if the foreign translation contradicts it.

us via:

+966 112 708 886
+966 555 402 886
+966 504 910 114